Privacy Policy
(ex Artt. 12, 13 e 14 GDPR)
1 - About Us
We are the company BUHKE with registered office in Via delle Industrie 278 - Industrial Agglomeration ASI ACERRA (NA), NIN and VAT number 00339140618 (hereinafter "company"), and as Data Controller, we are responsible for the legitimate and correct use of the Personal Information provided by you.
Our contact details are: telephone +39, e-mail sales@buhke.eu2 - Privacy Contact
You can contact the Privacy Contact for information and report any mistake and problem: email
3 - Which categories of Personal Information will be processed
The Personal Data discussed in this context are of the common nature and given by you in the form on the website (hereinafter "site"), namely: personal information and consent indications.
4 - Obbligations that you have
The provision of the requested information is optional, but if the information indicated as mandatory is not provided, we will not be able to proceed with the handling of your request.
5 - Kind of treatments we do (Purposes)
F1 –Your personal information may be processed to satisfy your request throughtelephone and / or e-mail contacts related to unequivocal, free and conscious answer provided in the form.
F2 –Your Personal Data may be processed for Promotional and Advertising activities on our products and services through telephone calls related to unequivocal, free and conscious answer provided in the form.
6 - Legal bases on which we use your personal information
Your Personal information is processed by us solely and exclusively for the purposes set out in "Point 5" and solely in reference to those for which you have conferred your CONSENT, expressed unequivocally, freely and consciously.
7 - To whom we will forward your personal information
Your Personal information will not be disclosed to an undetermined third party, but we will be able to communicate it in accordance with the aforementioned purposes and the related CONSENT expressed by you, according to the following outline:
Purpose (P1)
Communication of data to the Website Management Company and to any Area Agents, all located only in Italy, with which there is an official service contract and appropriately named "Responsable for Data Processing;
Communication of data to the Website Management Company located only in Italy, with which there is an official service contract and which has been appropriately named "Responsable for Data Processing";
8 - How long we will keep your personal information
Purpose (P1) and (P2) - Retention of personal information will not exceed a period of 60 months from the date of conferment.
9 - What fulfilments we have towards you
Respond to your requests for:
- knowing how and why we process your data;
- correcting wrong data, integrating incomplete data update data that are no longer correct;
- erasing data; limiting the treatment;
- transmiting data to you or to A THIRD PART indicated by you; suspending the treatment if you no longer agree
In order to comply with above-mentioned points, we kindly invite you to contact our at the following e-mail, so we’ll be able to verify together whether all the requirements of the law are present and be able to respond in the fastest and most efficient way.
10 - Contact person in case of shortcomings
If the response will not be satisfying, you’ll be able to contact the "Guarantor for the protection of personal information".